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ISSUES NO. 6 & 7

About this issue:

Contributors are Reese Alexandra, Elodie Rose Barnes, Wayne Benson, Jr., Jayanta Bhaumik, Christine Brooks, Bonnie Carlson, Christina Ciufo, H. L. Cornetto, Amelia Cotter, Linda M. Crate, Gareth Culshaw, Carla Durbach, Alex Feldman, Kari A. Flickinger, LE Francis, Kristin Garth, Bryan Grafton, H.E. Grahame, Shannon Frost Greenstein, Victoria Iacchetta, Sarah Mackey Kirby, Keana Aguila Labra, Michael Lacare, Richard LeDue, Sarah Loverock, miss macross, Edwin Morris, Zach Murphy, Denise Nichole, Rebecca Oddie, Stephanie Parent, Kushal Poddar, Carlos Mijares Poyer, Amelie Robitaille, Alice Rose, Skyler Jaye Rutkowski, Marilyn Melissa Salguero, E.Samples, Lynne Schmidt, Jen Schneider, Nancy Schumann, Preston Smith, Ellora Sutton, Rabiu Temidayo and John Tuttle.

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Issues No. 6 & 7: Projects


Issues No. 6 & 7: Team Members


Reese Alexandra is a Canadian graduate student, completing a Master of Library Information Science. She loves to draw, write, and read—her commute to school is where she does most of her work. Her academic research has centred on the role of women in publishing history, & her personal work reflects this study: she writes about women’s experience and she draws women’s figures often. She has two greyhounds, wide shoulders that she is learning to love, & a fiancé who provides her with all the wine she wants.


Issues No. 6 & 7: Team Members


Christine Brooks is a graduate of Western New England University with her B.A. in Literature and her M.F.A. from Bay Path University in Creative Nonfiction. Her poem, "the price," is in the October issue of The Cabinet of Heed and her poems, "life" and "I Don’t Believe," are in the fall issue of Door Is a Jar. Two poems, "friends" and "demons" are in the January 2020 issue of Cathexis Northwest Press and her poem, "communion," is in the January 2020 issue of Pub House Books. Her series of vignettes, Small Packages, was named a semifinalist at Gazing Grain Press in August 2018. Her essay, "What I Learned from Being Accidentally Celibate for Five Years" was featured in HuffPost, MSN, Yahoo and Daily Mail UK in April 2019. Her book of poems, The Cigar Box Poems, was released in February 2020 and her second book of poetry, beyond the paneling, is due out in 2021. Find her on Facebook, Twitter and online

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